General Election 1997

Current Standings: 28th April 14:36

Figures in brackets show changes since 17th April

For which Party will you vote on May 1st?

Labour: 51% (+5)
Conservatives 23% (+1)
LibDem 12% (-7)
Other 5% (-)
Don't know 8% (-3)

What is the most important aspect of the campaign?

Economy 34% (-3)
Social/Welfare 25% (+8)
Europe 12% (-1)
Education 16% (-3)
Health 7% (-2)
Other 5% (+1)

Who do you think will make the best Prime Minister?

John Major 26% (-2)
Tony Blair 36% (+3)
Paddy Ashdown 38% (-1)

Are you happy with the state of the economy today?

Yes 53% (-6)
No 38% (+5)
Don't know 8% (-1)

Other Polls

Date            Con    Lab    LibDem                         Poll
6-9 December    30%    51%    13%   Others: 6%               MORI
7th February    34%    49%    12%                            The Telegraph Gallup
16th February   31%    49%    13%   Others: 6%  1,576        NOP, Sunday Times
27th February   31%    52%    11%   Others: 6%  1,940        MORI, The Times
3rd March       30%    48%    16%   Others: 6%               ICM, Guardian
7th March       28%    54%    12.5% Referendum: 2%           The Telegraph Gallup
16th March      27%    52%    13%   25% undecided 1,596      NOP, Sunday Times
18th March      28.5%  56.5%   9.5% Referendum: 1.5%  1,045  The Telegraph Gallup
2nd April       32%    46%    17%   Others: 5%  1200 ICM,    Guardian
3rd April       28%    55%    11%   16% undecided 1118       MORI, The Times
4th April       31%    52%    11%   Others: 6%  1126         The Telegraph Gallup
6th April       30%    55%     9%                            MORI, Sunday Mirror
                33%    48%    14%                            ICM, Observer
                28%    52%    12%                            NOP, Sunday Times
7th April       32%    53%    10%   13% undecided   1027     The Telegraph Gallup

Latest Mori Poll (25th April)

This is not showing bias, we just thought it was a bit of fun

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Text, Photographs and Original Images: © Mark Males, 1997

Last modified on: Monday, April 7, 1997.