General election

Latest Political Results for The Independent on Sunday

Survey II results based on 941 interviews conducted face-to-face in home throughout Great Britain on 23-24 April 1997. (Survey I results based on 1,069 interviews conducted 2-3 April 1997). All respondents were interviewed in Survey I and re-interviewed in Survey II. Results published in The Independent on Sunday on 27 April 1997.
Data weighted to known population profile
An asterisk (*) denotes a figure below 0.5%, but not zero.

How do you intend to vote in the General Election on May 1st? (see below)

Q2 (If undecided or refused at Q1)
Which party are you most inclined to support?

April 2/3April 23/24
Conservative 3029
Labour 5553
Lib Dem 912
Scottish/Welsh Nationalist 22
Green Party 11
Referendum Party 33
Other **
Would not vote 43
Undecided 96
Refused 24

Survey I and II
Have you definitely decided to vote for (PARTY NAMED AT Q1/2) or is there a chance that you may change your mind before election day?

Survey 1Survey 2
Definitely decided 6785
May change mind 3114
Other 11
Don't know 1*

Which of the following comes closest to your reasons for voting for the (PARTY NAMED AT Q1/2)?

Survey 1Survey 2
It is the party that most represents your views 8286
The party you support has little chance of winning in this constituency so you vote for the (PARTY NAMED AT Q1/2) party to try and keep another party out 1110
No opinion 74

A lot of people aren't sure whether they'll vote at the General Election.
Can you tell me how likely you are to get along to vote at the General Election?

Survey 1Survey 2
Certain to vote 6575
Very likely to vote 1410
Quite likely to vote 136
Not very likely to vote 43
Certain not to vote 33
Don't know 12

How interested would you say you were in the news about the election?

Very interested 16
Fairly interested 42
Not particularly interested27
Not at all interested 14
No opinion 1

How do you feel about the amount of coverage the newspapers have been giving to the election campaign?
And how do you feel about the amount of coverage given to the election campaign on television?
And how do you feel about the amount of coverage given to the election on the radio?

Much too much 20298
A little too much 21244
About the right amount 413733
A little too little 2 1 3
Much too little * 1 1
No opinion 168 51

If you thought the Liberal Democrats could win the General Election and form the next government, what effect, if any, would it have on your vote?

It would not change my vote 60
It would make me more inclined to vote Conservative 3
It would make me more inclined to vote Labour 5
It would make me more inclined to vote Liberal Democrat 23
It would make me less inclined to vote for any party 2
Other 1
Don't know 6

Thinking about BBC television coverage, do you think this is biased towards the Conservatives' point of view, Labour's point of view, or some other party's point of view, or do you feel their coverage is unbiased?

And thinking about Independent Television coverage, that is ITV and Channel 4, do you think it is biased towards the Conservatives' point of view, or towards Labour's point of view, or some other party's point of view, or do you feel their coverage is unbiased?

BBCITV / Channel 4
Biased to Conservative 125
Biased to Labour 86
Biased to some other party 11
Unbiased 5454
Don't know 2535

Over the past 5 years, do you think this government has or has not ...?

HasHas notDon't know
Kept its promises 157411
Played important role in world affairs 543313
Kept inflation down 583012
Reduced unemployment 31609
Cut income tax 424216
Put up taxes on goods you buy 78148
Improved law & order 167311
Helped improve your living standards 23698
Improved standards in public life 186715
Improved standard of education 167014

On balance, do you support or oppose each of the following?

SupportOpposeDon't know
Making political parties publish the identity of those who make large financial donations 711712
Changing Britain's current electoral system to a system of proportional representation 452827
Fixing the length of Parliament, so removing the power of Government to choose the date of an election 512821
Replacing the House of Lords with an elected second chamber 442927

During the past few weeks have you...?
IF YES ASK: Which party was that?

ConLabLib DemScot Welsh NatsRef'm PartyOtherYes but DK which partyNo not seen anyDK
Seen any party election broadcasts on TV 59 59 50 9 17 14 3 26 1
Heard any party election broadcasts on the radio 10 10 8 1 2 2 2 79 6
Seen any political advertisements on billboards 53 55 16 3 7 2 4 28 2
Had any political leaflets put through your letterbox 66 75 55 9 30 13 3 9 2
Been called on by a representative of any political party 11 12 5 1 1 1 * 74 1
Been telephoned by a representative of any political party 2 5 * - * * * 92 1
Attended a political meeting addressed by a candidate 1 1 * - * * * 97 1
Helped a political party in its campaign 1 2 * - 1 - * 95 1
Received a letter signed by a party leader individually addressed to you 10 9 3 1 * * 1 77 3
Watched the leaders debate on TV 30 30 23 4 2 1 2 62 2
Received a video through your letterbox from a political party * 1 1 * 22 * 2 72 1

And which of these items, if any, have influenced the way you intend to vote?

Posters on billboards 4
Political leaflets put through letterbox 6
Telephone calls from political parties -
The views of your local candidates 9
Party election broadcasts 12
Opinion polls 2
Video received from political party 2
The television debate between the party leaders 10
Newspapers 10
Other 4
None of these 61
Don't know 3

Political Attitudes in Great Britain

Technical Note
These are the findings of a poll conducted by Market & Opinion Research International (MORI) on behalf of The Independent on Sunday Newspaper.

Survey II results based on 941 interviews conducted face-to-face in home throughout Great Britain on 23-24 April 1997.
(Survey I results based on 1,069 interviews conducted 2-3 April 1997).
All respondents were interviewed in Survey I and re-interviewed in Survey II

As with all our studies, any press release or publication of the findings requires the advance approval of MORI. Such approval will only be refused on the grounds of inaccuracy or misinterpretation.

Source: MORI (Market & Opinion Research International Ltd.)