General Election 1997

What do you have to say? Some selected comments. Newest first.

My vote will be useless in Labour dominated Doncaster. Proportional Representation please.

I would like to see one of the parties pay some attention to the problems of the infrastructure of our society ie poverty, the homeless, etc. They all seem to think that health can be improved by health education and are reluctant to accept that the real answer lies with them. It appears that none of them have yet addressed this issue.

I'm following the campaign from over here, via the net, avidly. All they can do is slate each other any say 'Well, we're bad, but (points to opponent) HE'S FAR more crap than we are...'

Wouldn't it be nice ofr one of them to say : 'Look, I don't care what the others say, we're going to do this, this and this, and improve that, this is how we are going to pay for it, tell us how to improve it, what do you think of that?

By the time I get back, it'll all be over and the winners will be two or three months into screwing up the country, so I've got a lot of fun waiting for me upon my return.

Opion Polls not = election results.

My only hope is that the Labour party, WHO WILL WIN, change things slowly so that we don't repeat the last time they were voted in.

Thankful Tony Blair seems to have got the Business Community on board.

1. I reserve my democratic right to vote against anybody, however honest and competent who has been in power 18 years. 2. I do not think the present lot are either competent or honest. 3. I believe that the Tories have an attitude problem - "Winner take all" and to blazes with social responsibility and the service ethic.

The primary issue for me is a political party's ability to govern/manage.

Time for a Party that has ambitions for all the country, not just a few. I just wish they would embrace PR - that means we wwould never have a tory government again

I will probably vote Labour but only because they appear to be the best of a bad bunch. I think politics and polititians have lost and large amount of credability over the last 10 years. Who are these people, why do they set themselves up as experts in the field of economics, crime and punishment etc. They are obviously not experts in anything other than getting a quick buck. I have always previously voted Conservative but this lot have blown it. We cannot afford another government which is so accident prone and incompetent. But I don't suppose Labour will be any better in the long run. If they are I shall be pleasantly suprised. In any event the Conservatives need some time in opposition to get back down to basics! by seeing more of how the country really runs. It may not be a bad thing.

Though I amhappy with the state of the economy, little should be read into this, it is merely representative of the point at which Britain is in the trade cycle--it will not last for any more than 6-8 months at the very most!

Old Labour Yes! New Labour, maybe...

Hello. Will you buy me a drink.-

the major parties are treating the electorate like children, it is the issues that are the most important

the conservative party is the only party you can trust

Tory logo  labour logo

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Text, Photographs and Original Images: © Mark Males, 1997

Last modified on: Wednesday, March 26, 1997.