*** United Kingdom Political Anagrams *** Version 1.00 4-Feb-95 (C)1995 W.Tunstall-Pedoe (william@genius.demon.co.uk) Permission is given to freely distribute this document in its unaltered electronic form. This file is a selection of anagrams created by the computer software ** Anagram Genius **. Details and more examples can be obtained by sending email to info@genius.demon.co.uk The software and many of the examples in this list were presented on Channel 4's "Last Week in Politics" (28-Jan-95). 1. Political Parties "The Conservative Party" = Teacher in vast poverty. Votes threaten privacy. "The Labour Party" = Upbeat Harlotry. A prole? Bury that! "The Scottish National Party" = Oh, nasty tartan politics. 2. Tories "Virginia Bottomley" = I'm an evil Tory bigot. I am violent bigotry. Main vile Tory bigot. "Virginia Bottomley, Health Secretary" I am the totally overbearing hysteric. "Michael Portillo" = A cool limp Hitler. "Michael Heseltine" = Elect him - he's alien. Hell! he is an emetic. "Michael Ray Dibdin Heseltine" = He is the incredibly mad alien. Incredibly, I am the headlines. "William Waldegrave" = Veal? Wield a grim law. "William Waldegrave MP" Large evil law-mad wimp. "William Arthur Waldegrave" = Mega-evil rural withdrawal. "William Arthur Waldegrave MP" = Mega limp; withdraw rural veal. A vulgar lewd pre-marital whim. "Douglas Richard Hurd" = Horrid dud rascal - Ugh! I crush hard old guard. "Margaret Hilda Thatcher" = A girl; the arch mad-hatter. Ha! the large rich mad tart. 3. Labour Politicians "Anthony Charles Lynton Blair" = Tyrannic rant all boloney - Shh! Nonchalantly is abhorrently. "Anthony Blair, Labour Leader" = Dire, banally-honourable rat. "Anthony Blair" = Tory Hannibal "Tony Blair" = Tiny Labor. In Tory Lab. "Robin Finlayson Cook MP" = Nick monopoly of brains. "Robin Finalyson Cook" = Sick of no-brain loony. "James Gordon Brown" = Now more grand jobs. "John Leslie Prescott" = Nice hot polls jester. Sell the projection. 4. Miscellaneous "Beatrice Boothroyd" = Hairy boob detector. "Betty Boothroyd, Speaker" = Steady by-the-book report. "The Reverend Ian Paisley" = I, rather insanely peeved.